At Kingsway we provide excellent careers advice and guidance, which is supported by impartial advice from an external careers company. We provide our students with:

  • Support to continue in learning, apprenticeships and employment.
  • Comprehensive information and advice which responds to the needs of each learner.
  • Empowerment to plan and manage their own futures.
  • Careers guidance which informs pupils of local employment needs.
  • High aspirations for what they can achieve in the future.
  • Equality of opportunity and a challenge to stereotypes.
  • Help with their progress to the next stage in their careers.

The careers library contains comprehensive information on further education, higher education, apprenticeships and employment. We have a dedicated member of staff who works closely with colleges, sixth form and employers. Visiting speakers provide students with an insight into the wealth of jobs and opportunities available and raise aspirations.

In Years 7 and 8 students are introduced to careers through a focus on self-awareness of their skills and interests during Life Skills lessons. They are encouraged to research different types of occupations and careers and to consider the qualifications and skills required.

We are supported by Careers Education, an external impartial careers company, and their fully accredited staff in providing students with individual careers interviews. This includes a Careers Action Plan which parents can access via the Connect webpage. A dedicated confidential room in the careers library is used for all our individual careers interviews.

At key points we provide additional and specific support. During the GCSE options in Year 9 students receive advice and guidance through dedicated assemblies, tutor sessions and the Options Evening, as well as, the traditional parents’ evening. Further guidance is provided by a range of employers at the Careers Speed Dating Evening early in Year 9.

In Year 10 every students has their own practice job interview with outside employers. Each student receives an evaluation of their performance and guidance as to their strengths and which areas to address. The Post 16 Evening allows students and parents the opportunity to meet representatives from sixth form colleges, universities, apprenticeship and training providers, and employers. At the end of the year students are able to attend local college taster days.

In Year 11 sixth form schools and colleges have assemblies with all students informing them of what they offer and their application processes. Additional sessions are provided by apprenticeship providers, and this programme is supplemented each year by lunchtime drop-in sessions. During Year 11 students receive individual careers interviews with a qualified impartial careers advisor.

Our careers work is evaluated through student voice, observations and the destinations of our students at the end of Year 11. Furthermore, feedback from employers, colleges and parents is used to help improve our programme.

Careers Programme

Year Group Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Interests Profile
(to identify & understand key interests)

Start to record activities

Careers Library
(introduces employability skills & sectors)

8 Careers Library & Competencies
(tool link skills used in school careers)
(to further develop skills)

MFL Taster Loreto

Careers Library builds
(Labour Market Information)

LMI awareness

9 Revisit interests –
discover how passions link to pathways

Meet different employers
(speed dating event)

Subject & Careers libraries for informed GCSE choices

Competencies for skillset self-awareness and to prepare for mock interviews
10 Understand personality
and preferred work environments

CV & writing tools
(draft application materials)

Mock interviews

GMHAP Loreto

GM Higher taster days

College taster days

Post-16 evening


1-2-1 careers advice

GMHAP Loreto

College Assemblies

Research post-16 options at college & sixth form and apprenticeship tools

1-2-1 careers advice

Work to manage workload & wellbeing with webinars

Assembly on T Levels

GMHAP - Loreto

GM Higher Assembly

1-2-1 careers advice

Prepare for revision and leaving school with the Know-How Library


National Apprenticeship Week 2024

For National Apprenticeship Week (5-11 February 2024), we're sharing ways that parents/carers can get involved & informed:

• Watch the Understanding Apprenticeships animated film:

• Listen to the Parents Perspective Podcast:

• Read the latest Parents & Carers Pack:

• Download the Parents' Guide to Apprenticeships:

• Ask your child to speak to our careers advisor, Mrs Watson, for more information about apprenticeships and Post-16 opportunities.


Careers contact for employers

We are always keen to extend our careers programme. Various sized rooms, from large assembly halls, to IT suites and technical support with presentations can be offered to visiting providers, as appropriate.

If you are a business or employer and feel you can help provide excellent careers information or opportunities for our students, then please contact the school's careers leader: Mr J Weil, Assistant Headteacher - - 0161 428 7706

Click on the link to view the Provider Access Policy Statement


The widget can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers.

The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.

The data are organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you.