Blended Learning at The Kingsway School
The term ‘Blended learning’ refers to the idea that the classroom is not the only place that students learn. It is widely acknowledged that secondary students that also learn effectively outside of the classroom are more likely to thrive academically. The increased prominence of digital learning and online learning platforms have made learning outside of the classroom easier than ever. At The Kingsway School, our main platform for digital learning continues to be Google Classroom. ALL students will have access to an online classroom for each subject on their timetable, which they can access remotely when they wish to study outside of the classroom.
Please note: All students will be provided with log in details during their first ICT lesson at school and shown how to access all of our schools’ systems both in school and remotely. We advise that students and parents keep a secure note of this. When using any of the schools ICT platforms, students must abide by our ICT Acceptable Use Policy.
Here are some ways that teachers at The Kingsway School might use Google Classroom:
PLAYLISTS: Each half term, teachers upload a ‘playlist’ to their Google Classroom that mirrors the topic students are studying in class. This is an additional resource that provides students with a sequence of multi-modal resources that students can self-pace through. These playlists are designed to compliment and consolidate the work that they do in class.
KEY MATERIALS FROM LESSONS: Teachers can also use Google Classroom to upload key materials from lessons, which may include power point slides, handouts or a summary of key information from the lesson. This allows students to refer back to their lessons in their own time to consolidate the learning they have completed in class.
PRE-RECORDED LESSONS: Some teachers will also upload additional pre-recorded lessons to their Google Classroom. These may be lessons they have recorded themselves or high quality externally sourced lessons from platforms such as Oak Academy or MathsWatch. These resources are again designed to help consolidate the learning they have in class and recap key ideas from the lesson.
REVISION MATERIALS: Some teachers will upload revision materials to their Google Classroom. These will be resources that allow students to revisit prior learning and the ‘essential knowledge’ that they want students to revise. Students can use revision materials and other key resources in their Google Classroom as a revision aid to make sure that they retain the ‘essential knowledge’ they have been taught throughout their time at school.
HOMEWORK: Most teachers will upload their homework materials to their Google Classroom so that students have access to what they need to complete this at home. Homework is planned and set by teachers on Class Charts but Google Classroom can be the place where students go to find the materials that they need to successfully complete their homework.
Quick Guide: Accessing Google Classroom