Home School Agreement

The core values of Opportunity, Achievement, Respect and Compassion are central to our school ethos. We promote these values in partnership with our pupils, their parents, carers and the adults working with them. 

1. Students at The Kingsway School must uphold the values of Opportunity, Achievement, Respect and Compassion by:

  • attending school regularly and being on time for all lessons and activities

  • being ‘Ready to Learn’ with the correct uniform and equipment

  • speaking with kindness and without prejudice

  • upholding the culture of our school and the terms in our behaviour policy

  • taking responsibility and accountability for my actions and my words

  • approaching my learning in a positive way and trying my best in lessons

  • having pride in everything I do and holding myself to high standards 

  • respecting the school environment and the local community

  • helping keep other students in the school stay safe by avoiding any bullying behaviour and reporting any bullying incidents

2. Parents or Carers agree to support their children at The Kingsway School to uphold the values of Opportunity, Achievement, Respect and Compassion by:

  • supporting my child to attend school regularly and be on time for school

  • informing school on the first day of any absence

  • ensuring my child is ‘Ready to Learn’ with the correct uniform and equipment

  • supporting the school's behaviour policy, including rewards and sanctions

  • encouraging my child to speak with kindness and without prejudice

  • supporting my child by attending school events, including parents’ evenings

  • helping my child to prioritise their learning in school and at home

  • keeping up-to-date with school all school communications

  • Informing the school of any issues that may impact my child’s ability to meet the school’s expectations of them, using the correct lines of communication. 

  • Understanding that staff will respond to parental enquiries in-line with the whole school communication policy.

3. The Kingsway School will promote the values of Opportunity, Achievement, Respect and Compassion and optimise students’ experience of school by:

  • having high expectations for attendance and punctuality and challenging students to meet these expectations

  • supporting pupils who are not ‘Ready to Learn’ by providing them with the uniform and equipment that they need to have a successful day

  • providing a safe and stimulating learning environment in line with local and national safeguarding guidance

  • encouraging all of our pupils to speak with kindness and without prejudice and empowering our pupils to speak up when they see this. 

  • having a clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for pupils, as set out in the school’s Behaviour Policy

  • providing a broad and balanced curriculum aligned to a clearly communicated ‘curriculum intent’ and adapted to suit  the needs of all pupils

  • contacting parents over any concerns that affect their child’s work or behaviour; including problems with their approach to learning, attendance and punctuality

  • communicating with parents in relation to any issues relating to attendance, learning, behaviour as well as anything that might impact their safety and wellbeing in school

  • providing regular information on the progress and achievement of all pupils and giving parents opportunities to discuss this with the school.

  • keeping parents up-to-date with all aspects of school life via the school website, letters and weekly messages

  • responding to parental concerns within a reasonable timeframe and with reference to our trust complaints procedures where appropriate